2024 Botswana Safari: Okavango Delta Flood Update

2024 Botswana Safari: Okavango Delta Flood Update

One of the things that makes a Botswana safari so unique is the Okavango Delta. Known as “the river that never meets the sea,” the Delta is an incredible, ever-changing floodplain that you have to experience to believe. It is different every season and a surprise from year to year, making every Botswana safari a unique experience.
So, let’s talk about the Okavango Delta for your 2024 Botswana safari.
  • How the flood works.
  • What you can expect.
  • The best time to visit.
  • Why floodplains make the best safari experience.

All About the Okavango Delta

Okavango Delta Flooding

The Okavango Delta is an extensive inland delta system located in north-western Botswana. It is one of the world’s most pristine and untransformed wetland systems. As a uniquely adaptable ecosystem, you’ll find a remarkable habitat with incredible species diversity and ecological resilience.

Approximately 600,000 hectares (6000 KM) and up to 1.2 million hectares (12,000 KM) of seasonally flooded areas. The Unesco World Heritage Convention designates 2.28 million hectares to the Delta in total area. So, suffice it to say, it’s massive.

Known as an endorheic delta, the Okavango has no sea outlet. Instead, its waters drain into the Kalahari Basin and its desert sands. As a result, the dry Kalahari Desert habitat is home to a nutrient-rich and sustainable ecosystem. This miraculous area is beautiful and home to a diverse range of species.

Thanks to the amazing ebb-and-flow of the Okavango Delta’s water system, there is no limit to the spectacular wildlife displays you can see on your 2024 Botswana safari. There’s a chance for everything from large herds of African elephants, buffalo, zebra, and red lechwe to hyena clans, lion prides, and wild dog packs.

The Delta’s habitat includes:

  • 1061 species of plants
  • 89 fish
  • 64 reptiles
  • 482 species of birds (including 24 globally threatened birds)
  • 130 species of mammals (including the world’s largest population of elephants)

Seasonal Rains in Angola & the Annual Flood Tide.

Every year, the Okavango Delta relies on the rainy season in Angola (October – April) for its flood waters. Even though Angola is not a border-sharing country, it is the origin of all the rivers that supply the delta with water. So, when the summer rains hit Angola, the water fills the Cubango and Cuito rivers. From there, the water travels into Namibia, becoming the Kavango River. Finally, the waters reach Botswana and begin the seasonal flood of the Okavango Delta.
Now, as you can imagine, this is a long process. So, while the summer and spring seasons bring rains to Angola, the winter and fall seasons bring the annual flood tide to Botswana—peaking in June and July. Ironically, during the peak of Botswana’s dry season, you’ll find the most vibrant wetland. The Parid landscape transforms from sand, dry, and brown depressions into extensive waterways, flood plains, and swamps with crystal clear waters.
Throughout the year, the Okavango Delta continuously transfers its geography in a complex interplay of climatic and biological processes.  Islands, channels, river banks, flood plains, and lagoons come and go based on the rains and flood waters.

What Can You Expect on a 2024 Safari in the Delta

Botswana's Okavango Delta

The Okavango Delta has been dealing with drought for the last few years. Water levels have been low, and the floods haven’t been as spectacular as usual. This is for a variety of reasons, including poor rainfall in Angola. To learn more about this complex ecosystem, we highly recommend the National Geographic documentary, Into the Okavango. It is an interesting and educational film all about the flood waters.
So, what about your 2024 Botswana safari? How are the floods looking?
Things were very dry in the early season (October – November 2023). And there were a lot of fears that this season would be another drought. But El Niño came to the rescue…6 weeks late. Over the past month (December to January), Angola has received abnormally heavy rains—almost twice the level of rain as last year. In fact, it is some of the most rain we’ve seen in 4 years. Even Maun, Botswana (a town just outside of the Delta) has seen 80mm of rain in January so far.
What does this mean for a safari in the Delta? As those rains make their way down the rivers and into the Delta, we’ll see groundwater rise across the region. This should make for some truly beautiful scenery and happy wetlands for the wildlife. We’re truly excited to see what the season brings!

The Best Time To Go On Your 2024 Botswana Safari

So, when should you schedule your 2024 Botswana safari for the best experience with the most abundant animal activity? You want to arrive after the floods arrive, and the Delta comes to life with great migrations of predators and prey. This generally occurs from July until October, which ironically correlates with Botswana’s dry season. There may be little rain, but there’s lots of groundwater.
Going on safari during this time means that animals are crowded into a smaller number of outer-lying dry areas, which creates some incredible wildlife opportunities. When you have a large number of animals forced to share what little land is available (and nowhere to hide), it is the perfect recipe for game-viewing. Plus, with so much nutrient-rich water available, animals migrate hundreds (if not thousands) of kilometers to enjoy the plentiful food and drink.
This does not mean that you shouldn’t visit Botswana any other time. During the green and shoulder seasons (Nov – June), you’ll find vibrant colors, baby animals (it’s a birthing season), and fewer crowds with lower prices. During this time, you’ll not only save money on safari but also have fantastic wildlife opportunities.
Botswana Delta floodplains

Unique Activities to Enjoy the Okavango Delta

During the flood season, when water levels are high, there are a number of different ways to enjoy the Delta. At a “dry” camp, you’ll take game drives and/or walking safaris around the flood waters and enjoy seeing a hugely diverse population of animals.

You can also participate in a water safari, an entirely unique and incredible way to experience the Delta.

Mokoro Safari (Canoe Safari)

A traditional mokoro safari is an enchanting and fascinating way to explore the beauty of Botswana’s Okavango Delta. You’ll journey through reed-lined channels in a dug-out canoe, propelled with poles and guided by local experts.

As you glide in relative silence through the peaceful waters, you’ll enjoy the sounds of nature, from the croak of the smallest frog to the grunts of hippos, bird songs, and watery footsteps. And from the water, everything becomes larger and grander. Trees will tower overhead, elephants will appear as gentle giants, and the landscape will seem to last forever.

Boating Safari

Another type of water activity is the boating safari, which takes place on a motorized boat. This is a classic way to see as much as possible from the water. You’ll explore the vast waterways of the Okavango Delta by going where vehicles can’t.

We offer boating safaris only in Moremi Game Reserve, and they are subject to water levels, weather, and availability.  Contact [email protected] to ask about boating during your 2024 Botswana safari!


Plan Your 2024 Botswana Safari

Are you ready to plan your 2024 Botswana safari? There’s no better time than now! We still have availability throughout the year with discounts for larger groups and the more nights you stay with us.

So, the time is now if you have always dreamed of going on safari and seeing the Okavango Delta. The 2024 Botswana safari season is shaping up to be an incredible one. Email us at [email protected] to learn more!

Botswana Safari Travel 2021: Latest News & Updates

Botswana Safari Travel 2021: Latest News & Updates

Great news! Botswana President Masisi approved lifting the country’s international travel restrictions. It will happen in a phased manner, starting on November 9, 2020. You can now start planning your Botswana safari travel in 2021 and beyond.

International Travel into Botswana

Here’s what the press release said (you can read the original release on the Botswana Government Facebook page):

On November 9, 2020: air travel will resume into Botswana’s airports: Sir Seretse Khama International Airport (Gaborone), Kasane International Airport, and Maun International Airport. We expect international carriers to announce their schedule for online bookings imminently.

On December 1, 2020: those looking to travel in by road may do so from major land border points, including the Kazungula road, Kazungula ferry crossing from Victoria Falls & Livingstone, as well as the main border from South Africa – Martins Drift.


Botswana Safari Travel Requirements

Botswana COVID Traveler Restrictions

All arriving travelers will be expected to meet the following requirements:

  • a) Present a valid 72 Hour negative COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) result from time of departure.
  • b) Screened for COVID-19 symptoms upon entry.
  • c) Symptomatic clients upon arrival will be required to undertake mandatory testing and possible isolation and or quarantine, as per section 76 (1) (2) and 80 of the Public Health Act of 2013 (our company is discussing a protocol to ensure symptomatic guests are well looked after and access to the best facilities possible).
  • d) The traveler will be required to remain in contact with the local health authority for a period of 14 days doing self-monitoring.
  • e) Travelers exiting Botswana are expected to comply with the destination country’s travel regulations at their own expense.
  • f) Non-citizen travels NOT meeting the requirements will NOT be allowed entry into Botswana.

We’ll continue to update you as we get more information.


Botswana Safari Travel During Green Season (December – March)

Botswana Safari Travel Elephant

Now that we know Botswana is opening up to safari travel again, let’s talk about it! Should you go on safari in Botswana during the Green Season?

Green Season—also known as rainy season—begins in December and goes through March. It’s typically the least popular season to go on safari in Botswana, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad time to visit. Every month in Botswana offers something special and different for visitors.

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions for more insight into a Botswana safari.

Truly, Botswana is a year-round destination with more than 300 days of sunshine and abundant wildlife whenever you visit.

Rainy Weather

Green Season is known for lots of thunderstorms and rain. But remember, the Okavango Delta is part of the Kalahari Desert. And as a desert, it never rains too much or too often.

Two of our owners visited in late December 2019 for seven days and only experienced one evening with storms. And when a recent guest went on a 25-day safari in March 2020, she was only rained out one day.

However, we can never predict the weather or promise that you won’t get rained on. December through March is rainy season, and so that is a risk you take. And one thing we can promise Is humid and hot weather.

Botswana Green Season Flooding

Green Vegetation

The good news is that with rain comes beautiful green vegetation and flowers. The Okavango Delta is never prettier than during Green Season. The scenery is truly stunning. Water, flowers, bushes, and trees are abundant. The Delta is completely transformed into an oasis during this time, making for some truly incredible photos.

However, green vegetation does come with a few downfalls:

  • The thicker the vegetation, the more easily animals can hide in the bushes, so it might make animal sightings a little more hard-fought.
  • An abundance of water can also come with more mosquitoes and other bugs. It never gets too terrible when it comes to bugs, but it is something to keep in mind if you have a phobia.
  • Vegetation and flooding can also limit where you can drive. Especially later in the season (February and March), you may find that your safari vehicle has to go out of the way to drive around deep water.

The good news is that green vegetation and flooding can also limit where animals—particularly predators—can travel. This means if you can find dry land, you might have predators and their prey that are easy to find and watch. This happened to our safari guest this past March 2020. She saw an abundance of lions in Khwai because they were limited to the same dry land that the safari vehicle was limited to.

Newborn Animals

Newborn Animals in Botswana

Green Season is also newborn animal season. That’s because newborns and expectant mothers are highly dependent on an abundance of water to survive. December through March can be a great time to see newborn antelopes, zebra, giraffe, and more.

For example, did you know that impala can stop the birthing process until right after a rainy day? They can remain pregnant for additional weeks on end until it’s just the right time and rains hit.

As for predators, this is also their birthing season. However, it is highly rare to see newborn predators. Their mothers are typically very protective and keep their newborns hidden in bushes, dens, and trees until they are old enough to handle the world independently. It’s for this reason that we actually recommend March – June to see young predators.

However, we really can’t predict when a particular predator (lion, leopard, cheetah, wild dog, or hyena) will give birth. So, going on a Botswana safari at any time can result in seeing cubs and pups.

And the best news is that elephants give birth year-round. So if you want to see baby elephants, any time you visit is a great time.


Zebra Migration in Botswana

Did you know that Botswana is home to one of the greatest migrations in all of Africa? The Chobe River to Nxai Pan National Park zebra migration is the longest known mammal movement in Africa—a round-trip of over 482 KM (300 miles).

Around 20,000 zebras take this route every year! It’s an incredible sight. You have the best chance of witnessing this phenomenon during Green Season. The migration usually starts in December or January, depending on the rains. If it’s a drier season, the migration will start a little later than usual because the zebra follow the water.

Botswana Safari Weather in Green Season

Now, let’s take a look at the specific weather you can expect. Remember, it’s always a good time to go on safari in Botswana.


Botswana Safari in December

December welcomes the first rains of the wet season. The weather begins to cool this time of year, and some areas will be inaccessible because of mud and heavy rain. However, flooding won’t be in abundance yet, so you should still have many chances to get around. This time of year is excellent for newly-born calves and cubs as well as migrant birds and zebra, and some green scenery.

The good:

  • Lots of newly-born calves and cubs.
  • The migration season for Zebras and birds (in the millions) begins.
  • Start of the green season, which can mean beautiful foliage.
  • Shoulder and Off-Season pricing makes these two months more affordable.

The bad:

  • Hot and humid weather can make game drives uncomfortable.
  • There’s a good chance you can be rained on at the start of the wet season.
  • Mud and heavy rains may make some areas inaccessible.


Botswana Safari in January and February

January and February are the two wettest months of the year. This means that you have a good chance of getting rained on while you’re out on game drives. However, it also means there’s beautiful thick, green vegetation.

The scenery will be stunning this time of year. Flowers will be in bloom, trees will be packed with leaves, grass will be growing, and water will be everywhere. Unfortunately, this incredible scenery can hide wildlife because you can’t see as far.

It’s also hot and humid. Despite this, these months are incredible for bird watching, many migrations are in full swing, and many antelope give birth so predators can be abundant.

The good:

  • Great time for bird watching.
  • Beautiful scenery
  • Many migrations are in full swing, including the Botswana zebra migration.
  • Antelope birthing seasons, so hunting predators will be in abundance.
  • Highly affordable off-season prices.
  • This is a great time to enjoy unique safari activities only found in Botswana’s Okavango Delta, such as the mokoro and boating safari.

The bad:

  • Lush greenery means that animals have more hiding places.
  • Lots of rain could mean wet game drives.
  • An abundance of water may make it difficult to get to many areas.
  • Hot and humid weather may be uncomfortable for some.


Botswana Safari in March

March is when the rains begin to ease. You’re far less likely to be rained on in March, but all the water from January and February has built up, so water is absolutely everywhere. This will be the greenest season and a stunning time to visit Botswana if you want to see the country in full bloom.  However, because the water has had so long to build up, getting around can be difficult. You’ll have to find a way to drive between water, and some areas may be inaccessible. But this does mean that you’ll find large concentrations of animals in the accessible dry areas. Unfortunately, this can also be prime mosquito season, so bug spray is a MUST!

The good:

  • Because it’s so wet, large concentrations of animals will be found in dry areas.
  • The greenest time of the year with lush plants and flowers.
  • It’s birthing season for many animals, which could mean lots of happy predators.
  • Highly affordable off-season prices.

The bad:

  • VERY thick greenery means that animals have more hiding places.
  • Flooding may make it difficult to get to certain areas.
  • This is a mosquito-heavy season because there’s so much water.


Plan Your 2021 Botswana Safari Now!

So, are you ready to start planning your 2021 Botswana safari? We hope so. If you travel during Green Season, you get to take advantage of our Special Pricing

You can also take advantage of our increased flexibility and our Book Now, Pay Later policies.

  • If something goes wrong, you can reschedule (with 30-days notice) without penalty for any time through December 31, 2021.
  • If you have to reschedule, you get a 10% bonus towards your rescheduled booking.
  • Hold your booking for an incredibly affordable deposit.
    • $400 for 6 nights / 7 days itinerary (regardless of party size)
    • $600 for 9 nights / 10 days (regardless of party size)

And don’t worry! If you can’t schedule your Botswana safari over the Green Season, we’ll still be open the rest of 2021. You can go on safari with Brave Africa at any time, and we’d love to have you.

Contact us now at [email protected] or fill out our website form.

Online Safari Content During the Coronavirus Crisis

Online Safari Content During the Coronavirus Crisis

There’s no beating around the bush, COVID-19 is severely impacting life as we know it around the world. Many of us are practicing social distancing, self-quarantine, and other extreme measures to end the spread. That’s why we feel that online safari content is so important right now to make up for the lack of coronavirus tourism.

Coronavirus Tourism and Small Business Impact

It is a scary time, particularly for the travel and tourism industry. Brave Africa is not immune to everything that’s going on around the world.

As a small business trying to launch our mobile lodge and safari company in 2020, the timing couldn’t be worse. Our hopes, dreams, and plans for a strong first year in business have been put on hold.

But as long as we stick together, listen to the advice of medical professionals, and do what is best for everyone, we can get through it stronger than ever.

Botswana Coronavirus Update – March 27, 2020

While Botswana (as of Friday, March 27, 2020) still has no confirmed cases of the virus, tourism has effectively shut down in the country.

According to the Government of Botswana in line with the Public Health Act 2013, all individuals from the following high-risk countries will not be allowed entry: China, Japan, South Korea, Iran, USA, UK, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and India. There’s also warning of an “imminent countrywide lock-down” to stem the spread of the coronavirus pandemic with soldiers watching all borders.

Already, almost all international travel has shut down, but there is good news. We will still be here when the coronavirus is defeated and life returns to normal (or the new normal), whether that’s in a few weeks or a few months.

Brave Africa’s Coronavirus Response: GREAT Online Safari Content

The Brave Africa team is in constant communication about how to handle the coronavirus crisis and what we can do to keep moving forward. As we wrote in our previous blog, we are allowing all current clients to postpone their booking up to 12 months with no penalties. And we’re honoring the same rate whether you rebook this year or wait until 2021.

But what about for everyone stuck at home, dreaming of being anywhere else?

We are going to be providing great content across our social media platforms and blog. If you can’t come to us for a safari, we’ll come to you on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

Here’s a little about the type of online safari content you can expect to keep you entertained as you are quarantined

#VirtualSafari Mondays

On Mondays, we’re going to start taking you on virtual safaris (#virtualsafari)! From the comfort of your home, you can journey with us into the Okavango Delta in Botswana to see the animals, hear the sounds of the bush, and experience the majesty of being on safari.

The goal is to let you get out of the house even just for a little while through your phone or computer screen. We want you to have something to look forward to every Monday for the coming weeks and months as we protect ourselves and each other. It’s the easiest way to enjoy some coronavirus tourism.

So, be sure to tune into our social media pages every Monday to check out the latest #virtualsafari video!

Watch the first video here!


Puzzle Wednesdays

To help keep you entertained while you’re at home in self-quarantine, we’ve started sharing a fun puzzle every Wednesday on our Facebook and Twitter pages. This online puzzle takes one of our favorite pictures from safari and breaks it down into 48 puzzle pieces (or more) that you can then put together online.

It’s a great diversion for ten or so minutes in the middle of the week when we know you can really use it. If you really like these puzzles, we’ll keep them up and make them harder as we go! You can find our first African sunset puzzle here.

Brave Africa Safaris puzzle

We’d like to thank Hills of Africa for this great idea, which they first shared on their Facebook page.

Coloring Book Fridays

Then, on Fridays, we’re sharing pictures from our Brave Africa coloring book! We’re taking some of our favorite safari images and transforming them into black and white coloring pages that you can print out at home and transform into your own artwork.

So far, we’ve shared a gorgeous image of a Lilac Breasted Roller as well as a picture of a leopard on the prowl.

Brave Africa coloring page Bird 1

We encourage you to go as crazy or as accurate as you want on the drawings. That’s why we’ll always upload the original photo along with the coloring book download, so you can decide what type of art you want to create. Is this fun online safari content, or what!?

Brave Africa coloring page leopard 1

Photos from the Bush

We know there’s a lot of doom and gloom in the world right now, so we promise to continue sharing beautiful, inspiring, and fun photos from the bush. Because we all need something to smile about during this time.

You might not be able to go on safari right now, or even in the next few weeks, (since COVID-19 tourism is not allowed) but the bush is always there, waiting for us to explore. Join us throughout the week as we share candid animal pictures taken by our guests and employees.

It is just one small way we hope our online safari content brightens up each of your days.

Elephant close up safari

Vacation Planning

Sometimes the best way to get through an unpleasant time is to think about the future. Truthfully, we do not know when the coronavirus pandemic will end, and travel will return to normal. We hope it is only a few weeks or months from now, but it could be much longer than that.

No matter how long it takes, we do know that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Whether it is this summer, fall, winter, or 2021, we will be able to travel and explore the world again. And we do not know about you, but we are definitely going to have cabin fever!

What better way to pass the days than to plan your future vacation? You do not have to make any commitments right now, we know things are too uncertain, but you can dream.

This is a great time to collect airline miles and credit card points so you can get a free flight to Africa later this year or next. It is also an excellent opportunity to begin budgeting and planning your dream vacation.

During these next few weeks, we will try to help you out with blogs and other content offering tips and advice on planning your dream safari vacation. It is never too early to get started. There is a lot you need to know and do to have the best trip possible, so we will be here to help.

Online Safari Content You Want

Safari lion close encounter

Last, but certainly not least, we would love feedback about what type of content you would like to see.

We know how negatively COVID-19 is affecting everything and its particularly strong impact on the travel industry is unlike anything we have ever seen before. So, we would like to know what online safari content you want to see.

Do you want:

  • More videos and images from the bush because they are a great distraction from the constant stream of bad news?
  • More information about what is going on in Botswana and how the coronavirus is impacting everything there?
  • Behind the scenes looks at what Brave Africa is doing to weather the coronavirus crisis?

Let us know!

Final Thoughts

We know this is a challenging time for everyone. The good news is that it also presents an incredible opportunity for all of us to put aside our differences and come together as a global community. We are all in this together, and the more we can do to support each other, the better.

Our thoughts are with those who are sick, have lost their jobs, or are otherwise struggling in the world as it is now.

At Brave Africa, we are doing our best to hang in there during the storm and make it out to the other side. Stay tuned as we update our website, keep sharing great content, and do what we can to keep you informed.

The Brave Africa Coronavirus Policy

The Brave Africa Coronavirus Policy

We know that travel right now is frightening. With the coronavirus (Covid-19) spreading more and more quickly, we know that many people are canceling or placing their travel plans on hold for now. And we completely understand. However, if you do decide to still travel, we want you to know that we are doing everything within our power to ensure you have a great time with Brave Africa. Read our new Brave Africa coronavirus policy below.

Coronavirus Update in Botswana and Southern Africa

Currently, coronavirus infections have been few and far between on the African continent. Egypt is home to more than half of all confirmed cases on the content with 59 confirmed. The good news is that Egypt is nowhere close to Botswana, which still has ZERO confirmed cases.

South Africa recently announced seven confirmed cases, all from the same group of ten people who returned from a vacation in northern Italy. The infected individuals have all self-quarantined, and so far no cases have been discovered outside of the group—all of whom are young and in generally good health.

All of this is to say that Africa may be one of the safest places to visit when it comes to the coronavirus. There are very few if any cases across the continent, and when you go on safari, you are generally around a very small, select group of people. So, there is very little chance to catch the virus from other travelers.

Our Brave Africa Coronavirus Policy

However, if you are still concerned about traveling to go on safari with Brave Africa during this time, we have put in place a few coronavirus policies to ease your mind.

Postpone Bookings Up to 12 Months Out

If you have booked a safari with Brave Africa or are planning to book a safari with Brave Africa through June 30, 2020, but you are concerned that the coronavirus could affect your travel, we are offering the ability to postpone your booking for up to 12 months. There will be NO penalty to postpone for a later travel date. In this way, you can still plan your safari with us but have the comfort of knowing that you can change your plans as required by the virus.

To postpone your booking:

  • 15 Days Warning: You will need to contact us at least 15 days prior to your arrival in order to postpone without any monetary penalties. We begin purchasing food and other products for your trip at least 15 days out, and so need this time to plan as needed.
  • Rate Changes Apply: You can postpone your booking and re-plan your trip for any time in the next 12 months. However, if you plan your trip for 2021 or change your trip dates to a different season (you originally booked your trip in low season and now plan to visit us in high season), you will need to pay for the rate change between your original booking date and the new date. This is not a penalty, but simply to cover the cost of your new rates.

If you would like to cancel your booking with Brave Africa completely instead of postponing your trip, our standard cancelation policy applies.

For any questions or concerns about going on safari with Brave Africa during the coronavirus situation, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Coronavirus 2020: Should I Cancel my Safari Vacation to Botswana?

Coronavirus 2020: Should I Cancel my Safari Vacation to Botswana?

April 1, 2020: Updated information on coronavirus infections and your safari vacation in Botswana.

Disclaimer: We are not doctors, nor are we medical professionals. We are not offering advice or telling you what you should or should not do. If you are at all concerned about your health and safety, you need to do what is best for you and your family. And you should always consult a medical professional with any questions or concerns before planning your safari vacation in Botswana.

That being said, we do want to address traveling with the coronavirus outbreak, including what you need to know about Africa—particularly Botswana. Information is continuing to change at a rapid pace. Every day or two, we are gaining more insight into the COVID-19 pandemic and how it’s affecting Botswana. We will try to keep this post updated weekly, so you have the latest information.


Behind the Scenes with Brave Africa Safari: Travel, Marketing, & BTTE

Behind the Scenes with Brave Africa Safari: Travel, Marketing, & BTTE

The past two months have been hectic at Brave Africa safari. After our first official safari launch in September, our team hasn’t had a moment to relax. Instead, we’ve focused on building deeper relationships throughout the safari and travel industry, including attending BTTE (Botswana Travel & Tourism Expo).

The great news is that we have an incredible team of individuals who have worked tirelessly to make this possible. They’ve given 1000% of themselves to meet new people, rekindle existing relationships, and introduce Brave Africa as the new ultra-luxury mobile safari to book in 2020 and beyond.

Here’s a little bit about what we’ve been up to during this exciting time behind the scenes with Brave Africa safari.

Giving Back to the Community

Brave Africa Charity

Brave Africa’s guides, Wina and Moses, dropping off food items to Safari Destinations.

In November, we had the opportunity to start giving back to the Botswana community. This is a huge piece of who we are and what we believe in. We do not want to be just another safari focused on making money and moving tourists in and out of the country. We want to make a difference not only for the wildlife but also for the Botswanan people.

We plan to do this moving forward by donating $5 a day from every guest’s trip with us to various conservation and community charities. Our team is currently doing extensive research to find the best non-profits to give to, and we’ll have that list available soon. However, we already had the opportunity to help the elderly population in Maun, and we’re so glad we got to participate.

Safari Destinations, one of Botswana’s premier travel agencies, held an annual charity drive to collect needed items for older individuals within the Maun community who require assistance. Our team got together and purchased massive bags of food goods to do our part.

For our Brave Africa safari staff—all of whom are Botswanan natives—taking care of your elders is the responsibility of the community. They shared with us funny stories of being kids and being charged with walking to the store for an elder to purchase their groceries, whether they were related to the individual or knew the individual well or not. Participating in this charity event made a lot of sense and was special to our team.

A Trip to Victoria Falls

Brave Africa Safari Guides

Tabona Wina (left) and Moses Teko (right)

The following week in November, our team headed up to Zimbabwe and Victoria Falls to meet with travel agencies throughout the area and start building relationships. This trip was made possible thanks to Shelley Cox at Africa Conservation Travel.

Africa Conservation Travel is a travel agency that is focused on offering safari experiences dedicated to sustainable tourism and conservation-conscious itineraries. Their mission is to create awards about protecting and conserving the wildlife and habitats during every trip.

Shelley has been an integral piece of Brave Africa safari since the very beginning. She is a good friend of our owner, Tabona Wina, and has offered our team priceless guidance. We are beyond grateful to her and her company.

Thanks to Shelley’s connections and the hard work of our team, we were able to introduce Brave Africa to other members of the safari industry. We loved getting to share our mission and vision and to tell our story to travel agencies who will help us connect with guests who share our values from around the world.

Building this base of support is critical to our eventual success and helping safari-goers discover us.

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us!

Botswana Travel & Tourism Expo (BTTE)

Botswana Travel & Tourism Expo

Botswana Travel & Tourism Expo

Finally, we kicked December off with a bang with Botswana’s largest travel and tourism expo: BTTE. This unique, annual event offers an opportunity for the greater European travel industry to establish relationships and business partnerships with Botswana’s tourism industry. Every safari company, travel agency, and tour operator in Botswana attends this networking event, and we were thrilled to take part!

Held December 2rd – December 6th, in Kasane, #BTTE19 was the event of the year. Over 280 exhibitors, including 140 local operators and 140 international operators from 33 countries around the world participated. Attendees came from all over, including Argentina, United Arab Emirates, Israel, and throughout Europe.

BTTE Event

Pano of the BTTE tent

The goal of the event is to introduce the many incredible tourism opportunities available in Botswana and to demonstrate the unique manner in which the country approaches tourism. Unlike many other African countries, Botswana is dedicated to protecting the environment and the country’s natural resources as much as possible to keep tourists coming back over and over again.

For Brave Africa safari, BTTE was an opportunity to set up a booth where attendees could come up to learn more about who we are and what we offer. We also had a table for a “Business 2 Business” event where attendees had just 15 minutes to meet our team and get to know our product before they moved on. This was an inspiring, educational, and super productive session, where we established many strategic relationships.

Brave Africa safari travel

Wina & Moses during the brief Business 2 Business sessions

The week-long event included presentations from experts on the Botswana tourism industry as well as the different unique areas of Botswana. There were meet-and-greet sessions, workshops, cocktail dinners, and more. It was an exhausting week, but BTTE was a fantastic opportunity for Brave Africa to establish that we are here as part of the community and proud of it.

Next Up for Brave Africa Safari

In a week, our team will be heading out into the Botswana Bush to explore a possible new Brave Africa safari itinerary—the Kalahari Desert.

This southern route will possibly be available to guests during the rainy season (December – March) when the Okavango Delta is flooded and difficult to navigate. During these months, the Kalahari is in peak season because animals are leaving the floodplains for more semi-arid regions.

December and January mark the great zebra migration in the Kalahari as well as the flamingo migration in Makgadikgadi Pan. This area is also known for its beautiful black-maned lions, brown hyena, oryx/gemsbok, and more.

We’re excited to test out this potential route for our guests in 2020, which will include:

Stay tuned to learn about our adventure in a few weeks!

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Brave Africa’s table banner

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